This week I went on a bit of a road trip around the state, with interviews scheduled in a couple of distant country towns. It was nice to check out some new places, and spend a little time just chilling under a tree. 
But as much as I love being in the car, singing along to my music, road trips are really made for more than one person. And being rung before I even got home to say I didn't get one of the jobs was pretty sucky.
On the upside, I've started quilting Sugar Twist. My plan was to get it done by today, but my little road trip of 800km kinda got in the way.

I also had the October Maker's Market today; despite pouring rain for the past couple of days, the weather gods turned on some gorgeous sunshine today. After posting a pic on Facebook, I had quite a few people enquiring about my Dr Seuss cushion, but one lucky lady snapped it up very quickly!

I also managed to pick up some heirloom tomato plants, just $1.50 each! There's a purple russian, a black krim, and an ox heart. I've never grown any of these so I'm looking forward to a yummy summer bounty.