I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted. I've been so busy at uni that I just haven't had the time to sit down and post about anything. If you're thinking, "hey, didn't she already finish uni?", the answer is yes, technically... I've been going in around three days a week to finish off a few things in the lab, and the rest of the time is spent finishing up some papers for publication. So in all there has been little time for quilting, though the Crabapple/Amitie quilt is coming along well.
I also splashed out and bought the backing kit for the "Catch a falling star" quilt from the Fat Quarter Shop; it was on sale! And to make the most of the postage, I picked up a Recipe For Friendship charm square pack, which is destined for a baby quilt. It's a very cute set of fabrics, and hopefully comes across as gender-neutral.

My other main focus this week as been what I thought was an ankle injury. I rolled my ankle out walking my dogs a couple of weeks ago, but didn't give it a lot of thought until I started having trouble sitting cross-legged (something critical for taking yoga). After a bit of pestering from a few friends, and my mum, I went to see the physio. Turns out that isn't a dodgy ankle, but something in my lower back. Apparently the pain refers into the foot. So I went in expecting to have my foot manipulated, and instead got my lower back pummeled...
Because I don't have any proper quilty photos to post, I will post this photo I took last year. I'm curious to see if anyone can guess what movie this mountain was in :-)
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