Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Quince Jelly

One of many autumn pleasures is the smell of quinces simmering slowly on the stove. I'm very lucky to have a quince tree in my back yard, and while they take a few hours to cook, they are worth the effort.

With only a few quinces left on the tree, it seems as good a time as any to make a batch of quince jelly, something I haven't done for a few years. Don't get me wrong, this is a decent time investment, but the results are stunning.

I'm using a recipe from over here, but there are plenty to be found on the Internet. The best thing I can recommend is a proper 'jelly bag' made of wool to give you a clear jelly, but a tea towel or muslin can do the job.

I use the pot rack over my kitchen bench to drain the fruit (with the tub stacked on some old uni books); I just have to keep Bella distracted for a few hours. Once drained enough I'm putting the juice in the fridge and will make the jelly on Friday.


Marg said...

I've never made quince jelly, then again I've never had a quince tree either. I'm sure it will be delicious.

a good yarn said...

I am so jealous! I love quinces. My gran used to make quince paste. I like to cook them slowly in the crock pot and eat them with custard or creamed rice.