I had my big day out yesterday; graduation! After 4 years of hard work, and lots of thesis writing, I finally got to wear the gown and boofy hat. I had to be up at 6.30, which I don't really like doing on the weekend, but I had to be at the University early enough to be gowned up, get my photos done, and gather to be included in the academic procession.
While all the undergraduates are seated in the hall, PhDs enter the hall with all the academics and people conducting the ceremony, and are seated on the stage. And having my surname at the end of the alphabet, I was at the front of the procession! When it comes to the PhDs, you are guided to the centre of the stage, you doff your hat to the Chancellor, and wait while the Dean reads a citation of your work. That seemed to go on forever! Then you shake hands with the Chancellor, he hands over the certificate, you doff your hat to the Dean, and exit the stage. At the bottom of the steps we were all handed a university pin, only given to graduates. Then you go up the side steps of the stage, and return to your seat. And throughout the whole thing, you are referred to properly as Doctor, rather than by your first name.
And this is me!
All dressed up before the ceremony:
With my dad:
With the "piece of paper":

Dressed to party