It's taken a little over two years, but I've finally made it to 200 posts! To say thank you for being with me through the journey so far, a little giveaway is in order. Up for grabs are two Whimsy charm packs, which I'm happy to post anywhere in the world.

To enter, please leave a comment by Friday 5pm Australian EST.
I LOVE Whimsy, I sure could make something cute from those two charm packs. Thanks for the opportunity!
Congratulations on 200 posts, that's an amazing accomplishment and huge time commitment.
Congrats on your 200th post! Whimsy is such a pretty fabric, it would be nice made into a bag or table runner. Thanks for a lovely blog, I enjoy reading it.
congrats on 200 posts......
these would be a welcome addition to my very small stash! Thanks for the giveaway
Congratulations on reaching 200 posts. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations on your 200th post. Whimsy would be an awesome prize to win. Thank you for this giveaway. Re: your post on washing quilts - I too would be hesitant to wash that quilt. I'm even scared with the color catchers and cold water to wash. Though I prewash the big fabric pieces (yard or more), don't know what to do on the little precuts either.
Hi Kate- congratulations on hitting 200 posts!!! I started following you just as you started your prac but I've had a ball backreading! I love your blog and am looking forward to the next 200! With the washing thing- I love washing my quilts. as soon as the binding is finished I shove it in the washing machine with a colour catcher and then the dryer. I do pretty much only use Moda fabrics and I haven't had a problem. The only quilt that has bled- even though I used two sheets- was one with alternate chenille squares. The red one went everywhere so now it is a pink quilt in parts! Funnily enough the moda fabric in it didn't turn pink! That sounded too much like an add- oh well! Happy blogiversary!
congrats Kate on the 200th post!
here's to many more from you
Congrats on 200 posts and 2 years! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.
Well done Kate on being 200 , posts that is !
Good job on your 200th post!
Happy 200th!! It's a Whimsical Life!
Congratulations on your 200 posts!
Yay for your 200! How sweet of you to have a give-away. I'm a Fig Tree fanatic and a charm pack junkie so this is just my speed. Thanks for entering me.
Congratulations Kate. 200 posts is a BIG achievement. Looking forward to the next 200!
I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago. You have some beautiful quilts. I have just started quilting again after a long hiatus and can't believe I have been away from it for so long! Congrats on your 200th post. That's fabulous news!
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
What a cool way to celebrate 200 posts! Well done. The Whimsy range is soooo fabulous as well.
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