The craft and quilt fair finally made it to Melbourne, and I spent a lovely Saturday afternoon browsing the many stalls looking for inspiration. I was quite suprised to find a greater range than at the AQC earlier in the year, and many stores I hadn't come across before. The only downside I found was that a lot of the charm packs, layer cakes and jelly rolls were not only more expensive than previously (layer cakes were up to $77!), many had been over-handled and were looking a bit tatty...
I set myself a budget for the day, and I think I did pretty well! I essentially avoided buying any precuts given I'll be in the US in a couple of months...
I picked up a Fig Tree Quilts pattern book with lovely quilts based on Patisserie Turnovers, as well as two Schnibbles patterns from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. I've already got plans for one of these! (sorry about the flash, its a cold winters evening)
Some Alexander Henry fat quarters; Starling in both pink and white:

A couple of Saffron Craig pieces:

A handfull of fat quarters from a new range I'd not heard of before:

And a Simple Abundance charm pack...can't wait to be able to get more fabric from this range!
I also spotted quite a few fabrics I'll be on the look out for when I hit the US later in the year, including Aster Manor and Mill House Inn! Still looking for suggestions on where to shop, particularly around LA and NY :-)
Oh, and some new baby news; my friend at work had a gorgeous baby boy, Jasper on Tuesday!